Climate adaptation

Climate adaptation

We ensure sustainable climate adaptation through interdisciplinary collaboration. Complete solutions for urban, rural as well as heavy infrastructural projects.

Achieve better, cheaper, and greener climate adaptation — whether you need to handle increased daily rain quantities, cloudbursts, storm surge or flooding. As your consultant, it is our first priority to make sure that the collaboration between multiple stakeholders results in a common, sustainable solution.

We are experts at this, because we work across disciplines creating the best climate protection solutions for properties or urban as well as rural areas. Our holistic water planning has a focus on the entire water cycle when consulting on e.g. local rainwater drainage, minor drainage systems, enormous cloudburst tunnels, flooding and coastal protection.

Urban and Nature

Adaptation to extreme weather events, changes in precipitation patterns and increased weather unpredictability caused by climate change are challenges facing cities all over the world. We deliver urban climate adaptation projects, that add value to cities and citizens every single day – and not only when a cloudburst occurs.

Furthermore, NIRAS has many years of documented experience conducting creative climate adaptation projects on the outskirts of the city. We connect knowledge from all disciplines to create holistic projects – when masterplanning thriving river valleys, reviving bogs and marshes to the blooming habitats they once were and maintaining lakes and watercourse for the benefit of fish, birds, amphibians and insects.  

We also employ some of the best coastal protection engineers, who analyse, design and construct dikes and control gates to guard cities, ports and coastal lines from storm surges. Our approach is based on technical expertise and state of the art technologies, carefully adapted to the environment in which they are to be applied. We know that water runs in inseparable cycles which is why our methodology is interdisciplinary, involving and innovative.

Tunnels and Pumping stations

We focus on addressing uncertainties by taking a flexible approach to water management and introducing water infrastructure design that is adaptable to climate change. With this approach, we provided expert consultancy to several large-scale cloudburst and rainwater tunnels as well as advanced pumping stations.

When designing heavy infrastructural climate adaptation, we use the combined knowledge from 2,400 in-house experts and high-end technologies in order to provide our clients with the full benefit of digitalization. For instance, we are currently designing two grand cloudburst tunnels to be drilled in the calcareous underground beneath Copenhagen, Denmark. The entire design phase is conducted at a cloud-based BIM-platform (Building Information Model). Read more about the projects here.

Get in touch

Sara Bugge Ploug

Sara Bugge Ploug

Market Director

Aalborg, Denmark

+45 6039 4184

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