Smart and Green Port Masterplans
We work collaboratively with our clients and their stakeholders to integrate the planning and adoption of green and smart port technology into the port’s main masterplan. We thereby secure a single, holistic plan for the future development of the port.
The importance of developing a standard port masterplan is widely understood and recognised, ensuring that planned development is in line with long term port projections, giving a valid roadmap for discussion with investors, consultants and customers. We add further value to this process, integrating both short and long term development for smart and green ports.
Best use of investment capital
It can be difficult for ports to identify where investment capital is best placed in their development towards recognition as a green or smart port. The larger scale, longer term, highly visual and marketable smart port elements such as automation tend to attract the most attention, but there are numerous more achievable smart port solutions that can be readily adopted now, some with little initial capital investment.
Without a cohesive plan, the development of smart ports, green ports, and their associated data handling and security are liable to be made based upon personal interests or experience. This can result in less advantageous technologies being implemented, as well as technological implementation on an ad-hoc basis, without due regard to future developments.
At NIRAS, we pride ourselves on working closely with our clients to develop smart and / or green port masterplans which overcome the issues above, ensuring the best use of a port’s available investment capital.
Collaboration is key to planning
We believe that collaborative development of green and smart port masterplans is crucial to gain maximum benefit from the process. We work in partnership with our clients and their stakeholders to achieve this, providing a single, holistic plan for the future of the port. Depending on a port’s existing masterplan status, we can either prepare a new full masterplan study, or create an addendum to an existing masterplan that has been previously prepared.
World leading service in development of smart port and green port masterplans
We combine our decades of experience in port masterplanning with our world leading smart and green ports consultancy services to provide innovative responses to the challenges our clients face. We provide plans that not only give short term “easy wins”, but also develop the roadmap and vision for the future, integrating short term implementation of technologies with a plan for adoption of future technologies in the medium to long term.
This approach ensures that technology implemented now can act as an enabler for future development and avoids it quickly becoming obsolete.
Integrating this with the port’s main masterplan allows us to design and envisage the physical changes to the port as a result of future technology and ensure that appropriate future allowance is made now, to allow easy adoption of new technology in the future.
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