Numerical Modelling Studies (2)

Numerical Modelling Studies

Oceanographic and hydraulic engineering requires extensive theoretical knowledge and genuine practical experience from real projects, physical models and numerical models. NIRAS has undertaken offshore modelling of water levels, currents, waves and wind in order to obtain high quality metocean data to inform the design of offshore and nearshore projects for a wide range of sites around the world.

Our specialists have decades of experience in solving complex modelling aspects covering essential inputs for both environmental and engineering purposes, including:

  • Hydrodynamics
  • Waves climate
  • Water exchange & flushing
  • Recirculation
  • Dredged spill
  • Sediment transport
  • Wave agitations
  • Littoral drifts & shorelines
  • Mooring analysis
  • CFD (Computational Fluids Dynamics)

Get in touch

Klavs Bundgaard

Klavs Bundgaard

Head of Department

Allerød, Denmark

+45 6040 5670

Signe Schløer

Signe Schløer

Team Manager

Allerød, Denmark

+45 6039 4411

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