Permitting and consent

Permitting and Consent

Permitting and consent for offshore wind deployment

NIRAS has decades of experience in defining and obtaining the permits, consents required to construct and operate offshore wind farms and their associated infrastructure. We work closely with clients to ensure that any mitigation and conditions attached to permits and consents are as reasonable, proportionate and relevant as possible. Once the necessary permits and consents have been obtained we assist our clients to discharge any conditions, including monitoring requirements effectively and efficiently.

Established procedures and risk management

Although the legal requirements for permits and consents may differ from place to place, we follow established procedures to define the relevant processes and applications required to undertake consultations, prepare supporting documentation and prepare and submit applications on behalf of our clients. Throughout the process, we monitor and manage risks to the programme and budget and maintain an active dialogue with the wider project team.

Ensuring reasonable mitigation and conditions

We work closely with clients to ensure that any mitigation and conditions attached to permits and consents are as reasonable, proportionate and relevant as possible.

Once the necessary permits and consents have been obtained, we assist our clients to discharge any conditions, including monitoring requirements effectively and efficiently.


Our services within permitting and consent include definition of the process, where we review relevant legislation and regulations and understand relevant policy and guidance, while defining the process. We furthermore identify and map key consultees and stakeholders, and define the project and its key components.

We conduct programming and budgeting and identify application fees that are applicable. With respect to formal and informal consultation, we engage with key consultees and stakeholders, develop project description materials and facilitate public meetings as well as meetings with relevant authorities. In addition, we identify issues and concerns and develop risk assessment and management plans.

We engage with environmental appraisal and assessment by screening and scoping supporting information required for applications, as well as by designing and managing required surveys. In addition, we produce environmental appraisals and/or impact assessments required and develop mitigation plans. In the application and examination phase, we produce and submit application documents, respond to questions and representations, attend public hearings and inquiries, produce technical submissions, review licences and licence conditions and discharge licence conditions.

Developing sustainable offshore wind solutions

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