Maria Heisterberg Hansen Mhn Holding Sample


We carry out on-site sampling and analysis of contaminated soil, water and soil gas using our mobile Geoprobe® system.

NIRAS has five mobile drilling rigs with associated mobile laboratory equipment for on-site sampling and analysis of contaminated soil, water and soil gas. We are one of the few companies in Europe that is able to carry out sampling at depths of down to 50 meters.

We carry out sampling of contaminated soil, water and soil gas using the Geoprobe® system, which is a collective sampling concept developed in the United States. Since 1998, we are the leading user of the Geoprobe® system for advanced pollution investigations.

We can help with all phases of modern mapping of hydrogeology and pollution spreading. For urgent cases, we offer an accelerated process where all analyses will be available immediately on-site using our own analytical equipment.

Technical overview of our analysis equipment

Environmental studies with the Geoprobe system are quicker, cheaper and better

Get in touch

Lars Prinds Hedegaard

Lars Prinds Hedegaard

Project manager - Geoprobe

Allerød, Denmark

+45 2141 8341

Anders G. Christensen

Anders G. Christensen

Expertise Director

Allerød, Denmark

+45 2141 8330

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