Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
NIRAS monitoring, learning and evaluation (MEL) experts deliver high-quality services worldwide for a more effective, transparent, and accountable development cooperation. Our demand-driven, rigorous evaluations and robust monitoring systems support adaptive management and learning, leading to more evidence-based critical decisions.
Providing actionable insights for our clients to support scaled positive impacts for people and planet, our breadth of experience includes working at organisational, large-portfolio, programme and project scales. Our in-depth sectoral and thematic expertise encompasses climate change, energy and sustainable land use; agriculture; governance and democracy; civil society support; gender and human rights; peace and security; economic growth (trade and private sector development) and research-for-development. Our client base spans multilateral donor agencies, bilateral donors, philanthropic foundations, private-sector clients and numerous civil society organisations (CSOs).
We constantly evolve our approaches to utilise technologies to take account of new thinking and initiatives in the MEL space. We take seriously issues connected to equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), shifting the power and anti-racism in MEL (and international development more broadly), and work on an ongoing basis to enhance our practices and contribute to the debate around these issues. Regarding technology, we use cutting-edge digital solutions, and are thought-leaders in the responsible application of natural language processing tools, such as ChatGPT.
NIRAS has completed over 1000 MEL assignments across the globe and has 30 highly experienced in-house MEL specialists with a wide geographic coverage across Africa, Europe, Asia, and South America.
Our services
NIRAS’ service offer covers all aspects of MEL. For each assignment we develop a customised approach and methodology, tailored to individual requirements and underpinned by our extensive experience, deep contextual and thematic expertise, and strong understanding of monitoring and evaluation theories and approaches. We prioritise utilisation, methodological rigour, practicality and quality. Our approach to MEL puts the user’s needs at the heart of our approach, ensuring that evidence is relevant for decision-makers and shared in ways which promote learning.
Across all services and assignments, high ethical standards are consistently applied in accordance with our comprehensive set of systems and processes. These have been developed over several years through joint work with university ethical clearance systems and are fully aligned with key ethics standards, including the OECD DAC Quality Standards for Development Evaluation and UN Evaluation Group Ethical Guidelines.
In November 2024, NIRAS joined forced with Syspons, a German-based management, strategy and evaluation consultancy, to form a leading development and strategy consultancy brand. This partnership aims to strengthen both companies’ market positions, particularly in Germany and in the fields of development, monitoring and evaluation (M+E), data-driven strategy and organisational change consulting. Read the news statement to learn more.
Evaluating Research for Development (R4D):
An overview of the concept, preferred evaluation methodologies to evaluate R4D investments and key enablers of impact in an R4D context, including equitable North-South partnerships, co-production and community engagement, interdisciplinarity, and taking a programme approach.
An example of Theory of Change in one of our MEL projects:
Our 130 in-house MEL professionals have deep practical experience and are located across our offices and hubs in Africa (Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Mozambique), Europe (Sweden, Finland, Denmark, France, Germany, UK, Ukraine), Asia (Indonesia), and South America (Colombia).
We also have access to diverse network of external evaluators and technical specialists, this gives us a truly global geographical reach.
Our network now extends to the USA, where we have built strong links with US-based experts and agencies through the delivery of our growing portfolio of substantial MEL assignments for philanthropic foundations.
Our mix of in-house expertise and network of tried and tested external experts also allows us to tailor teams to suit the needs of each MEL assignment, with strong understanding of the country and regional contexts, and mobilise resources quickly. For each MEL project, we develop blended teams from in-house staff and expert networks with the technical specialism, subject/theme knowledge, level of experience, language skills, and familiarity with the operational context needed to successfully deliver that assignment.
NIRAS's MEL capacity statement
NIRAS also has extensive experience of supporting organisations in developing their capacities in strategic planning, monitoring, evaluation, reporting and learning (PMEL). Our experts strongly emphasise management for results during the implementation of all projects that we facilitate. We design monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems that give the right people the right type of information at the right time, thereby contributing to informed decision-making, better allocation of resources and increased development outcomes.
Our approaches to results-based management (RBM) and PMEL draw on the latest research and thinking, as well as our own practical experience of what works best in the many large programmes NIRAS helps to implement. Decades of project support to a wide range of organisations give us a solid understanding of and ability to meet the real needs and demands of development actors.
Context monitoring and MEL in fragile and conflict-affected situations
NIRAS has extensive experience conducting MEL assignments in fragile and conflict-affected areas in Sub-Saharan and Northern Africa (Sahel, Lake Chad Basin, Gulf of Guinea, Central Africa, Great Lakes region, and Libya), Eastern Europe (Ukraine and Georgia), the Middle East (Syria and Lebanon) and Asia (Afghanistan and Myanmar).
We have developed an approach and skillset for monitoring and MEL in such contexts, involving:
- Embedding conflict-sensitivity into MEL processes;
- Strengthening MEL systems and capacities;
- Accessing vulnerable groups in remote regions to identify their perceptions, needs and priorities;
- Producing bottom-up, evidence-based analysis designed to inform programming and programs implementation processes;
- Producing conflict and security analyses;
- Working with local networks of vetted and trained data collection partners;
- Delivering evidence-based recommendations designed to maximise aid's efficiency; and
- Developing regional knowledge platforms to support development programming, research and policy-making processes.
NIRAS’ work in fragile contexts is designed to (i) feed different sets of deliverables, e.g. feasibility and impact studies, (pre-deployment) training, mid-term and final evaluation, (third-party) monitoring, policy and security notes, and (ii) be directly accessible to a wider audience through dedicated and secure interactive dashboards. In order to collect credible and useful data, NIRAS places strong emphasis on systematically assessing the quality of the collection work in real-time, through dedicated and tailored tools (in-situ and remote supervision, triangulation, training, etc.) Particular attention is also given to the security of the field teams and safety of local respondents and population groups. Comprehensive duty of care policies and dedicated security protocols and training are fully integrated.
Services for philanthropies
Our NIRAS MEL team has expertise supporting a broad range of philanthropic partners. This includes those in the US, where we have built strong links with US-based experts and agencies through the delivery of our growing portfolio of substantial MEL assignments for US philanthropic foundations. We offer strategic advisory services to best utilise evidence for strategic planning and effective grant-making. We also help funders monitor and evaluate portfolios against defined metrics of success, helping gain a deeper understanding of impact. Our experience encompasses various approaches and thematic areas, such as trust-based philanthropy, equity-centric philanthropy, adaptive grantmaking models, partner organisational effectiveness, grant management approaches and collaborative grantmaking networks.