Climate, Resilience and Environment

Climate, Resilience and Environment

Through our work we strive to improve the livelihoods of the world’s poorest, develop resilience to the challenges posed by climate change whilst ensuring positive and sustainable environmental outcomes for all.

Climate change is one of the greatest contemporary threats to equitable and sustainable development. There is clear evidence of strong and growing climate impacts on natural and human systems in all countries across the world. The impacts of climate change are being felt soonest and most severely by the poorest and most vulnerable in society who have done least to contribute to the changing climate and who are amongst the least resilient to climate impacts and related disasters. Urgent action is needed at all levels to support climate change mitigation and minimise the severity of future climate impacts. At the same time countries and communities must be supported to take steps to build resilience, support adaptation action, and strengthen capacity for effective disaster risk management.

Action on climate change is inherently linked to broader issues of environmental protection and sustainable natural resource management. The unsustainable use of natural resources and negative impact of human activities on the environment are well documented. Whilst environmental degradation exacerbates issues of poverty, social inequality, and vulnerability, well managed ecosystems represent a vital and cost effective mechanism to address development challenges, mitigate climate change, and support adaptation action through the use of nature-based solutions.  

Since 2010, NIRAS has carried out over 180 assignments in disaster risk management (DRM) and climate change adaptation (CCA). Our experience has highlighted the increasing need for action in this field and we strive to make a significant change towards greater resilience through all of our projects.

Over the last 40 years, NIRAS has developed an integrated approach to addressing the interconnected challenges posed climate change, environmental degradation and poverty. We provide a broad range of consultancy and advisory services across climate and environment disciplines from adaptation planning and resilience building, to mitigation and low carbon development, disaster risk management, biodiversity conservation and marine and terrestrial environmental management.  We work in partnership with a wide range of clients from multi- and bi-lateral donors, to national governments, foundations and private sector organisations. We have expertise engaging on climate and environment issues from the international policy level to the regional, national and community levels across four continents.

Our work in DRM & CCA

Wherever we work, the NIRAS approach to delivering action on climate and environment always emphasises the importance of balancing considerations of climate, environment and nature, with development needs and growth. We work to minimise risks and trade-offs and identify opportunities. NIRAS takes an integrated approach to enhance protection and production from marine and terrestrial natural resources to drive sustainable and inclusive economic development, and support nature based responses to the climate challenge. We recognise that consideration of livelihoods and the needs of people are central to the successful management of natural resources and protection of the environment, which remains our greatest and most important resource.

We continue to promote inclusive green growth to protect and preserve the environment in all our engagements. We do this by mainstreaming environment and climate change considerations in our projects and, most fundamentally, in our natural resource-oriented work.

NIRAS advocate a holistic, inclusive and interdisciplinary approach that maximises synergies between economic, social, and environmental objectives, while minimising the trade-offs. Together with key stakeholders, we examine these often complex situations with dedication. We emphasise the need for inclusive socially acceptable solutions and analyse opportunities and alternatives to maximise benefits for all. This approach has earned NIRAS a reputation for delivering cost-efficient climate and environment advisory services of the highest quality that adhere to agreed frameworks and consistently exceed our clients' demands.

Services we can offer:

  • Technical analysis, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of climate and environment interventions
  • Supporting climate and environment policy formulation including development of nationally determined contributions
  • Design and implementation of nature-based solutions to climate change
  • Adaptation and resilience planning, including disaster risk planning and management
  • Resilient urban development
  • Vulnerability, hazard and risk assessment
  • Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+)
  • Energy planning and integration of renewable energy into national energy policies
  • Energy sector reform supporting organisations and institutions to improve the technical, institutional and financial efficiency of the sector
  • Accessing finance for climate change interventions
  • Environmental assessments and due diligence
  • Environmental education, training, capacity building & awareness raising
  • Conservation planning for terrestrial and aquatic environments
  • Marine and coastal management
  • Green growth / green economy
  • Contaminated soil and water
  • Solid waste & waste water management.

See also:

How NIRAS supports SDG 13 

How NIRAS supports SDG 15

Get in touch

Andreas Brogaard Buhl

Andreas Brogaard Buhl

Sustainability Lead

København, Denmark

+45 2066 7964

Elena Bellitto

Elena Bellitto

Senior Consultant (Climate Change)

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

+44 (0)131 440 5500

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