Property listings
Get better access to BBR, CPR and CVR data as well as tailored searches in KortInfo. The Property display module means that employees in the municipality get an effective tool to solve tasks that contain property information.
With integrations to the property databases Cognito from KMD and LOIS from Lifa, it is easy to search for information about owners, tenants and residents.
In municipal case processing, where, for example, information from the BBR, CVR and ESR registers is needed, data becomes available with the same tool that is used for information on other geographical data.
Search results can be refined with additional criteria, so that the result, for example, only includes residents over 18 or only principal owners.
The search results can also be easily exported as Excel, csv, html, Word or pdf - this can be useful for use in, among other things, merge lists for consultation cases.
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