Fiber Telecom

Telecom and Fiber Optic Network Design

Fiber networks are a prerequisite for the digital future

Expanding the fiber network in Europe is an important task that requires expertise in planning and maintenance. In a high-tech society, where digital development is going at breakneck speed, high-speed internet is an important prerequisite for the optimum utilization of new technologies.

At NIRAS, we have experts and professionals who can help through the entire process from planning, design and final documentation. In addition, we can help with address maintenance and registration. A solid knowledge of building new networks and maintaining existing networks means that projects are handled efficiently and flexibly to the benefit of both schedules and finances.

Different tasks require different software solutions, and it is therefore natural that we work in relevant GIS platforms such as 3GIS, Smallworld, QGIS and many others.

NIRAS has been a supplier to some of the largest fiber network companies in Denmark, primarily covering Jutland and Zealand. From 2017 to the present, we have planned a fibre network for 450,000 - 500,000 addresses.

Planning of fiber networks is carried out as PON (Passive Optical Network) and PTP (Point to Point) technology. This includes preparation of blowing and splicing plans, trace plans, material and supply lists. Subsequent documentation (As-Built) is carried out both on projects planned by NIRAS or planned by clients themselves.

Grafik Til Web

In connection with the EU's provision on 'High speed internet for all' in 2030 and the resulting Connecting Europe Broadband Fund, in-depth knowledge of network construction and workflows is needed. 

Through many years of experience and knowledge of the fiber network industry, NIRAS can help with the expansion of networks in underserved areas as well as technically demanding urban and business areas. Through the exchange of experience and a high level of information, synergies and streamlining of existing and new working methods are created. 

Technological development is moving fast, and it requires continuous upgrading to keep up with both hardware and software development in all parts of the process. 

This expertise helps to increase quality and yield.

Mette Clemmesen

Mette Clemmesen

Head of Department

Aarhus, Denmark

+45 2257 8946

Morten Bonde

Morten Bonde

Team manager

Aarhus, Denmark

+45 8732 5854

See also: