
Modernising Cambodia’s hydraulic and irrigation systems and practices

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WAT4CAM has delivered agricultural extension services and improved crop diversification in the irrigated schemes and preks.

The five-year WAT4CAM project is helping to upgrade outdated infrastructure and taking the opportunity to support innovative, climate-friendly farming through agro-ecology.

June 8, 2023
  • SDG: #1, #2, #5, #8, #13, #15
  • SECTORS: Development Consulting, Water
  • COUNTRIES: Cambodia
  • DONOR: Agence Francaise de Developpement and Europen Union
  • CLIENT: General Directorate of Agriculture / Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
  • CONTRACT VALUE: EUR 3,362,262
  • DURATION: Feb 2020 – September 2025
  • PROJECT MANAGER: Nara Noualyny (

More than 70% of Cambodia’s 13.5 million inhabitants are engaged in agriculture, with the vast majority being smallholders farming rice. To support this enormous agricultural population, substantial water infrastructure has been constructed over decades dedicated to mitigating the impact of flooding and ensuring water availability to more than 3 million hectares of irrigated land across the country.

Yet many of these hydraulic and irrigation systems have not been maintained or upgraded since they were built during the 1990s. In fact, 37% of irrigation systems have not been rehabilitated since their construction in that decade. Some have also not even been rehabilitated since their construction in the 1970s under the Khmer Rouge.

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Addressing this challenge requires investment in the upgrading and rehabilitation of key infrastructure.

The Water Resources Management and Agro-ecological Transition for Cambodia (WAT4CAM) programme — comprising a €55 million loan from France’s Development Agency, AFD, and a €11 million grant from the EU — is rehabilitating up to 13 medium-sized irrigation schemes and up to 40 preks (small irrigation systems mostly built during the French Protectorate) in five provinces in the north of the country.

Seizing on the opportunity afforded by hydro-agricultural infrastructure investments, WAT4CAM goes beyond construction to realise an overall transformation of the whole value chain of water resource management, water service and agricultural production.

The end goal is to reduce poverty by building a sustainable and resilient agriculture sector that supports growth and inclusiveness in Cambodia.

The many benefits of innovation in agro-ecology

WAT4CAM has been supporting the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MoWRAM) through capacity-building activities in terms of (i) irrigation and social water management as a way to encourage sustainable local appropriation and (ii) integrated water resource management (IWRM), including use of satellite-based hydrometeorological technologies.

The WAT4CAM programme has four components that seek to deliver long-term poverty reduction, develop the economy and reduce the vulnerability of rural populations to climate change:

  1. Increase cultivated areas by rehabilitating and completing irrigation and drainage infrastructures;
  2. Improve irrigation management;
  3. Strengthen MoWRAM’s support to national stakeholders in water resources monitoring and management; and
  4. Support innovative farming practices and support to the rice value chain.
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Identifying and implementing the most effective and realistic ways to affect an ‘agro-ecological transition’ in Cambodia would enhance productivity, prevent pollution and improve the quality and nutritional value of the food being produced.

The project has also worked with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery (MAFF) to define and implement the Cambodian Government’s commitment to sustainable agriculture intensification and diversification. This has involved the modernisation of irrigation infrastructures to disseminate agro-ecology practices as a way to increase fertility, yields and quality, encourage value-chain structuration and agro-diversification and improve carbon capture and storage.

NIRAS is responsible for the implementation of Component 4 in WAT4CAM (see box above), which aims to improve performance and resilience of agricultural production in the programme area through the promotion of sustainable agricultural intensification. Our work in these areas is divided into four parts:

  1. Institutional support to the MAFF in the formulation of an agro-ecological transition strategy, as well as the technical working group for agriculture and water, development of a rice policy and contract farming execution;
  2. An agro-ecology experiment conducted by our consortium partner, the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD);
  3. Agroecological extension support to farmers in five large provinces (around 3000 hectares or over 7400 acres) on cover crop planting, crop diversification and other agro-ecology practices such as land levelling and chiselling and the use of bio-char and -fertilizer;
  4. Supporting farmers who practice agro-ecology in selling their agri-products at premium prices through contract farming and new market channels.
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Progress to date

In its fourth year of operation, with less than a year to go, WATCAM/TA-AGRI has delivered some key successes. Our consortium team working to deliver the goals of component four has provided innovative support and a creative approach. In the area of institutional support, following MAFF priority policy programmes on sustainable agriculture production, Commune Agriculture Officer (CAO) mobilisation and Modern agricultural cooperatives (AC) promotion, the WAT4CAM/TA-AGRI team has worked as follows: 

  • With the General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA) taskforce and MAFF, to develop a curriculum for CAOs’ training, work plans and field monitoring; 
  • With the Conservation Agriculture and Sustainable Intensification Consortium (CASIC) of MAFF and GDA, to contribute to CASIC’s road map implementation of agro-ecological transition promotion in Cambodia;  
  • To provide capacity building to 71 newly-recruited CAOs (in Battambang, Siem Reap, Kampong Thom and Preah Vihea) on sustainable agriculture (agro-ecology) and the CAO Farmbook application; 
  • With 45 CAOs, to become Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) authorized trainers officially recognised by SRP Global; 
  • To support MAFF’s vision of labelling Preah Vihear province as an ’organic province’ through roadmap development, in collaboration with Agronomists and Veterinarians Without Borders, Preah Vihear Mean Chey Union of Agricultural Cooperative (PMUAC), PEARL, CIRAD, Swisscontact, ASSET Project and Nurture Project.

Additionally, in continuation of support for the Cambodian Rice Federation (CRF) to operate the Paddy Trading Platform, which is a mobile application to buy and sell quality paddy rice after official handover, information was disseminated to CAOs, the union of agriculture cooperatives, agriculture cooperatives, extension agents and other stakeholders to promote the frequent use of the PTP Mobile App.

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An official introductory training for CAOs was conducted for a total of 71 participants. The training covered a range of topics, including the concept of agro-ecology, with a focus on cover cropping, crop diversification, the promotion of agro-ecology machinery, Integrated Pest Management in rice fields, the SRP concept and regenerative agriculture. This initiative was carried out in strong collaboration with the MAFF, the International Rice Research Institute and the Promoting Climate-Resilient Livelihoods Project. Additionally, 45 CAOs were officially trained to become SRP authorized trainers, enabling them to provide comprehensive support to farmers for SRP training in the upcoming production season.

Working with 16 ACs and two Union of Agriculture Cooperatives (BUAC & PMUAC), WAT4CAM has delivered agricultural extension services related to agro-ecolgy, improved rice standards and signed contract farming agreements for rice production in the irrigated schemes and preks. In 2024, three contract farming agreements of SRP rice were signed between the Battambang Union of Agriculture Cooperative (BUAC) and Farmer Water Users Community (FWUCs) members, Tomnob Mkak Apiwat Thmey Agriculture Cooperative including FWUC members in Siem Reap, Prey Mrey ney Kdey Sangkhem Agriculture Cooperative including FWUC members in Kampong Thom and Amru Rice company on 18 June 2024. A memorandum of understanding between the BUAC and AMRU on Regenagri rice standard was signed to promote agro-ecology via a carbon credit scheme.


AC agents and CAOs in total trained as professional agro-ecology extension officers


hectares (about 4482 acres) received SRP certification with continuous expansion by CAOs


hectares (about 6021 acres) per 2666 households adopted agro-ecology techniques in eight irrigation schemes

The promotion of SRP Rice was successful, resulting in the receipt of SRP certification for a total of 1813.78 hectares and 380 farmers. In Battambang, under BUAC, 10,000 tons of SRP-verified rice were produced. BUAC sold more than 6000 tons, worth over USD 1.6 million or EUR 1.5 million, to AMRU.  SRP is a global multi‐stakeholder alliance working to transform the global rice sector by improving smallholder livelihoods, reducing the social, environmental and climate footprint of rice production and by offering the global rice market an assured supply of sustainably produced rice.

Through these efforts, WAT4CAM has been able to promote sustainable agriculture practices in target areas. By encouraging farmers to plant cover crops and diversify their crops during dry season, WAT4CAM has helped to improve soil health and reduce the need for chemical fertilisers. This has not only benefited the environment but also improved the livelihoods of farmers in these areas. Additionally, WAT4CAM has provided training and support to help farmers effectively implement these practices, ensuring that they are able to reap the full benefits of sustainable agriculture.

With 2666 households and a total area of 2436 ha (about 6000 acres), cover crop planting and other agro-ecology practices currently account for 20.64% of command areas:  

  • Battambang: 1327.57 ha or about 3000 acres (742 farmers);  
  • Siem Reap: 447.09 ha or about 1100 acres (895 farmers); 
  • Preah Vihear: 290.22 ha or about 717 acres (542 farmers);  
  • Kampong Thom: 86.46 ha or about 213 acres (57 farmers);  
  • Kandal: 6.40 ha or about 15 acres (26 farmers).  

With the crop diversification on the dry-season rice fields, we have reached a total of 560.58 ha or with 531 farmers, which is equal to 5.6% of the command area:  

  • Battambang: 377 ha or about 932 acres (224 farmers);  
  • Siem Reap: 116.38 ha or about 288 acres (165 farmers);  
  • Preah Vihear: 40.60 ha or about 100 acres (79 farmers);  
  • Kampong Thom: 362.41 ha or about 899 acres (416 farmers);  
  • Kandal: 9.49 ha or about 23 acres (71farmers).  

The improved adoption resulted from effective peer-to-peer extension through agriculture cooperative extension agents. NIRAS trained 110 farmers who have become professional agro-ecology extension agents and CAOs. As the project continues to grow and expand, it will undoubtedly continue to have a positive impact on the lives of farmers and their families throughout Cambodia.

To ensure sustainability, WAT4CAM Component 4 has conducted consultative workshops with stakeholders to identify agro-ecological options for eight irrigation schemes. These efforts aim to provide support that addresses the real needs of the community.

The WAT4CAM team continues to work with various stakeholders to strengthen the rice and horticulture value chains, and particular support is given to ACs and the union of ACs, such as in the provinces of Battambang and Kandal, in developing their services and improving their autonomy. Efforts are focussed on boosting commercialisation prospects via engagement with the private sector, contract farming and promotion of niche rice markets.

The team has successfully pioneered the SRP certification for 380 farmers, covering an area of 1813.78 hectares (about 4482 acres). This certification is valued at over USD 1.6 million (around EUR 1.5 million). As a result, SRP rice producers benefit in two ways: lower production costs and higher income. Rice millers offer a premium price of USD 10 (around EUR 9.5) per ton of wet paddy. The team is also exploring the development of a geographical indication for rice and the branding of agricultural products.

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WAT4CAM is envisioned to be a multi-phase programme, and the team is currently in the first phase. While the foundation of the project is the construction and rehabilitation of water infrastructure to provide reliable access to water for irrigation and agriculture, WAT4CAM takes a holistic approach and seeks to improve the ways that the water is used in agriculture.

By undertaking an agricultural transition in this first phase, smallholder farmers will diversify what they cultivate, increasing incomes, improving food security and leading to more ecologically and climate-friendly agriculture in Cambodia.

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To learn more about this programme

Get in touch

André Ban

André Ban

Country Director, Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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