The stage in the park of Lindevang is also a rainwater reservoir
An area of exploration for children with blackberry bushes and fruit trees.
An area of exploration for children with blackberry bushes and fruit trees.
The residents at the park Lindevang in Frederiksberg have been given an open urban space that protects against floods, and at the same time gives schoolchildren an outdoor room for math, physics and biology activities.
Frederiksberg scored three goals in one shot when the city in November 2015 could open the park Lindevang after a year and a half of rebuilding and climate adaptation activities.
The park is still a green retreat for the city residents, but now it also provides a learning universe for schoolchildren and as relief for the sewers in extreme rain events.
In the future, rainwater will be led round the sewers and instead diverted to the park and made accessible as water you can enjoy and play with. This type of climate adaptation is adding extra value for the citizens; not only when it rains, but also in dry weather and when the sun is shining.
NIRAS and the architect firm Marianne Levinsen have as consultants helped the municipality to establish a technical facility with a large reservoir capacity on terrain, which completely melts into the existing park.
It's climate adaptation adding value to the citizens.
The park appears – also in sunny weather – as a harmonious oasis, where the reservoir becomes a scene, and the ditch an area to explore for children with blackberry bushes and fruit trees.
The project provides the park of Lindevang with a reservoir capacity of up to 2,000 m3 when the next cloudburst hits, and the collected rainwater will percolate or be used for watering urban trees on Frederiksberg.
Schools, and especially schoolchildren from the nearby Lindevang School, will benefit from the park. Here the children can follow the rainwater on its way from the source and through the rainwater bed along the ditch in the eastern side of the park. A water channel in the urban area called ‘The Loop’, will show the different ways of water behavior; roaring, whirling, like waterfalls and calmly flowing.
The real challenge has been to establish a 700 m3 reservoir to protect the road Peter Bangs Vej against cloudbursts, which is the main purpose of the loop. The design of the loop, however, satisfies all functions both aesthetically and in relation to use.
The climate adaptation of the park is one of four projects supported by VANDPLUS; a partnership between the Danish Nature Agency, Realdania and The Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities.
The large amounts of water represent a resource.
Flooded roads, filled sewers, production stop and water in basements. Denmark is getting more water from above and from the sea than we have been used to. This means billions in costs to an extent that our society cannot afford.
However, the increasing amounts of water are not to be lead into the drainage system or hidden behind a dike. It is a resource we shall use to create better nature and experiences for the population.
I am looking forward to welcoming you to a beautiful and inspiring park based on new and innovatively thinking in a way typical of Frederiksberg. The main purpose is to slow down the water flow and make it seep into green areas rather than into the basements in the city. But in the chosen solution, rainwater is also used for play and learning, thus increasing the recreational value for the users of the park.
Mayer of Frederiksberg, Jørgen Glenthøj, at the inauguration in November 2015