Top-quality evaluations for Sida

Since 2011, NIRAS has undertaken and quality-assured more than 190 evaluation assignments worldwide.
Since 2011, NIRAS has undertaken and quality-assured more than 190 evaluation assignments worldwide.
NIRAS manages and undertakes evaluations and provision of evaluation-related services for Sida.
NIRAS was contracted by Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) to undertake evaluation services for the period 2016 to August 2017 with a possible two-year extension.
Services under the framework agreement include managing and undertaking evaluations (project and program evaluations, thematic and country evaluations, synthesis evaluations) and the provision of evaluation-related services. NIRAS manages the framework agreement and ensures that evaluations undertaken comply with OECD/DAC quality criteria.
The evaluation team provides evaluation management for each evaluation, manages and interacts with the Core Team of professional evaluators and external quality assurers, and undertakes internal quality assurance.
Since April 2016, NIRAS has been contracted to conduct eight evaluations for Sida and Swedish embassies under the framework agreement, such as:
NIRAS was also the first-ranked evaluation provider under the previous Sida framework agreement on evaluations, reviews, and RBM services. Since 2011, NIRAS has undertaken and quality-assured more than 190 evaluation assignments around the world, as well as 160 short-term advisory service assignments on results-based management. The majority of these evaluations and advisory services have been for Sida and Swedish embassies.