
Large strain on the four Liberian ports demanded a National Port Master Plan

National Ports Master Plan, Liberia

The Liberian ports are important elements in the development of the national economy of Liberia.

Completion of Master Plan for the national ports development in Liberia in order to ensure national development and anticipated growth.

October 30, 2018
  • SDG: #8, #9
  • SECTORS: Ports & Marine
  • COUNTRIES: Liberia

The Liberian ports are important elements in the development of the national economy of Liberia and the pressure on the four national ports is heavy in terms of required capacity and desired development.

Private entities in great numbers and big volumes want to have access to the ports. To manage this development, the National Ports Authority (NPA) has initiatd the preparation of a Master Plan for the national ports development.

21st Century Shipping

The ports development shall meet the demand of shipping traffic of the 21st Century and ensure harmonized, integrated development of the port infrastructure and management to cater for existing traffic as well as anticipated growth during a 25 year time horizon.

A complete Master Plan

The overall objective of the ports development planning was to develop a comprehensive Liberian Ports Master Plan in the form of a long-term program for strategic development of the Liberian Ports administered by the NPA on a landlord basis and with involvement of private operators in a public-private partnership (PPP).

The master plan services provided by NIRAS were initiated in 2011 and have been divided on the following tasks:

  • Current situation in the ports
  • Traffic and market development forecast
  • Port business plan
  • Future port infrastructure requirements
  • Master plan review and concept development
  • Economic and financial feasibility analysis
  • Environmental and socio-economic impact assessment
  • Port Master Plan

Outline of the long-term development

The services were completed in 2013 with a National Ports Master Plan addressing the ongoing short-term development of the four national ports and outlining the multitude of development projects required to cater for the expected medium and long-term development of traffic through the ports.

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