Mainstreaming gender equality into budget programming

After seven years of work in implementing gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) in Ukraine, efforts at all levels of government have yielded significant results.
The Government of Ukraine has been working toward gender equality for over 20 years. Equal rights for men are women are constitutionally protected in Ukraine and several laws and regulations around gender have been passed since the Constitution’s adoption in 1996. However, like the rest of the world, Ukraine is in a situation where there is a disconnect between policy and real practice on the ground, in which gender stereotyping, direct and indirect discrimination, and gender-based violence continue despite the legal environment.
Gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) is a powerful tool in the continued battle to bring about gender equality, but also in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of public spending. The process of GRB recognises that the application of government spending can either bring a country’s population closer to gender equality or widen the disparity between genders. As such, GRB requires the collection of data on various aspects of society from a gender point of view so that the government can make an informed decision about how to apply spending in a way that promotes gender equality.
In 2012, Swedish Government through Sida (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) launched pilot projects in the Ivano-Frankivsk and Lugansk oblasts (regions) aimed at showcasing the benefits of GRB to government stakeholders and popularising the process. As a result of the successes seen in these pilot areas, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine officially requested bilateral cooperation with Sweden to facilitate the national introduction of gender-responsive budgeting in February 2013.
The GRB project was launched in November 2013 and ran until December 2020.
The GRB project was designed to run concurrently on the national and oblast state levels to improve the understanding of GRB and to encourage its implementation in all levels of the Ukrainian government.
At ministry level, the project was responsible for:
At local level, the project was responsible for:
The project developed a single GRB methodology that is used at the state and local levels in Ukraine and is integrated into Ukraine’s Public Finance Management System, ensuring that budget decisions at both state and local level are taking the needs of women and men into account.
This approach creates a sense of ownership among those involved in creating the budget at all levels, which improves the chances of a long-term and widespread adoption of the gender-responsive budgeting process. Furthermore, gender equality becomes a part of an overall objective of the budgetary process, which is in turn beneficial in terms of the efficient allocation of resources, positive impacts on various sectors of society, and sustainable economic growth.
Most of the GRB project’s implementation period was spent on supporting ministries and oblasts in conducting gender-based analyses (GBAs) of programmes funded by local and national budgets. GBAs have been completed on national and local programmes in a number of sectors, including education, healthcare, social protection and social security, youth policy, physical training and sports, culture and arts.
Various recommendations for gender-related improvements to programmes and processes based on the results of the GBAs have been provided to several departments of the State Statistics Service and the Ministries of Finance, Education and Science, Health, Youth and Sports, Social Policy, Culture, and Defence. Several changes have taken place because of these recommendations, resulting in a more transparent budgeting process and budget programmes becoming more focused on meeting the needs of men and women.
Other successes include:
Because of the collective efforts at all levels of government and due to the achieved results, Ukraine is now ranked as one of the best practical illustrations of excellent work on GRB.
Download the GRB Results & Reflections Book, the Final Report, or a Summary of the Final Report.
To learn more about this assignment
civil servants have been trained on GRB.
Number of "passports" of budget programmes with a gender perspective