
CleverMaps Biodiversity – get meaningful charging breaks with a focus on biodiversity

Clever Biodiversity

Clever A/S provides EV-charging facilities all over Denmark. To optimize locations for future charging stations, Clever uses a WebGIS platform developed in collaboration with NIRAS.

November 6, 2023
  • SECTORS: Miljø, Data & Digitalisering

In this project, the WebGIS platform has been extended to include available data on nature and biodiversity. In addition, editable themes have been added to enable Clever to detect, plan and document any conflicts, synergies and actions to protect and enhance biodiversity in existing and future projects. 

NIRAS has tested the application and documented how the tool can be applied when planning a future fast charging station. NIRAS' nature experts has carried out a field survey to identify existing areas of importance for biodiversity on the site. Additionally, proposals for improvements that can benefit nature and biodiversity in and around the area. At the specific site, habitats for the protected sand lizard were particularly in focus. All the collected information has been registered on the new Web-GIS platform, to ensure availability in the future. 

Avoid negative impacts on biodiversity 

The new tool allows Clever to avoid negative impacts on existing biodiversity values and at the same time work with habitat improvements on existing operation sites, based on respect for the existing  biodiversity at the site. 

Clever expects to use the WebGIS platform as a basis for future reporting of the corporate impacts on biodiversity. Such disclosure requirement will apply for many companies in the future, e.g. due to the new sustainability reporting directive, CSRD. 

Biodiversity can create more meaningful charging breaks 

Knowledge of existing biodiversity and the restoration of new habitats can be combined with recreational opportunities. This will create a good basis for communication on biodiversity targeting Clever's customers. An EV-charge at Clever can become a meaningful break and meanwhile contribute with knowledge on biodiversity. Furthermore, research suggests that exposure to nature can increase our focus (Attention Restoration Theory), which can be seen as a benefit for road safety. Hence, Clever's customers can recharge their own batteries while the car is charging. 

"We look forward to using CleverMaps-Biodiversity in the future to improve nature and biodiversity in our projects. At Clever, we are charging our customers' electric cars; with nature around our charging points, we can contribute  to charge our customers' own batteries," says Signe Bech, Project Manager at Clever. 

Vil du vide mere?

Martin Hesselsøe

Martin Hesselsøe

Market Director (Nature & Biodiversity)

Aalborg, Denmark

+45 4097 9503

Magnus Andreas Jakobsen

Magnus Andreas Jakobsen


Allerød, Denmark

+45 5339 7139

Rasmus Attrup Bille

Rasmus Attrup Bille


Aarhus, Denmark

+45 2753 2564

Søren Zebitz Nielsen

Søren Zebitz Nielsen

Chief Geospatial Consultant

Allerød, Denmark

+45 4299 0365

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