Amazing LEGO Campus in Billund

NIRAS has delivered all engineering services on this exciting project in Billund, Denmark.
NIRAS has delivered all engineering services on this exciting project in Billund, Denmark.
In Billund employees have moved into the new LEGO Campus’ first leg of the 55,000 square meter building, which in the future will house many of the company’s employees in Denmark. NIRAS has delivered all engineering services on this exciting project.
LEGO Campus is expected to become a workplace for approx. 2,000 employees, when the entire building is completed and taken into use in 2021. LEGO Campus is no ordinary office building.
Aside from office work space, a great deal of effort has been put into providing a number of exciting extra facilities to the employees.
As a part of the building, a so called “People House” will be established, which includes an Event Space, in which large events can take place, and additionally can be used for sporting activities like badminton, basketball, etc.
Furthermore hotel rooms will be established with appertaining facilities for the employees who arrive from foreign countries. In addition to this, hobby workshops, a café area, a mini cinema, fitness centre, and much more will be available to the employees at LEGO Campus.
One of the design requirements for the project was “green everywhere”, and to accomplish this, the building is located in a large, green park, which will be accessible to the public with running trails and plenty of trees. Furthermore, internal courtyards have been established throughout the entire complex with greeneries and landscape elements.
The building is designed by architect C.F. Møller, the client is KIRKBI A/S. NIRAS has delivered all engineering services to the project, including design of load-bearing structures, installations, energy, indoor climate, daylight, acoustics, and fire safety.
NIRAS has, among other things, designed the rainwater diversion system, which allows all rainwater to seep down to large basins, taking into consideration the high groundwater levels on the property. This provides a very sustainable solution, which does not strain the public sewer systems.
The building is of course a low energy building, which meets the requirements for building class 2020. The client has throughout the entire project had high demands for indoor climate, acoustics, and optimum daylight conditions in the building.
The architecture of the project has been of high priority, and the entire project is permeated with references to LEGO bricks. You can e.g. see an enormous yellow LEGO brick on the roof of the tallest building. This construction in particular was based on creative solutions from NIRAS’ structural engineers.
To create a building of high architectural quality, which also meets the client’s extensive ambitions in regards to indoor climate and acoustics, NIRAS has, in collaboration with the architects, worked with calculations based on acoustical-, daylight-, and indoor climate simulation in the atriums, office spaces, meeting rooms, etc.
NIRAS has also consulted on groundwater lowering, soil contamination, environment management in connection to demolition, as well as road design of the surrounding roads and new roads for the nearby newly built parking complex.
Specifically, these simulations have provided a basis for interesting solutions on for example the building facades, where multiple different kinds of solar blinds have been chosen. Both automatic blinds, permanent shades and double facades have been incorporated. All of it controlled by an advanced building management system. Solutions where functionality and architecture can exist in harmony, so both architects, NIRAS’ specialists, and the client are satisfied with the result.