Business Integrity
We work systematically with an integrity management system (IMS) as a tool to prevent corruption. All employees must commit to read and comply with the procedures described in the NIRAS IMS. The high level statement “NIRAS Business Integrity and Ethics Policy”, which can be found on our website, defines our wider use of the term “corruption” and presents NIRAS’ policies in this regard.
NIRAS has zero tolerance for corruption, which we aim to fight in all of its forms. Our anti-corruption training is an important tool to help staff to conform with our integrity policy.
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation
Personal data may only be processed in accordance with applicable law and only if they have been collected for a specific purpose and processed accurately and securely.
Compliance - NIRAS must be able to prove that we comply with the principles. Processes and systems must be in place to ensure compliance documentation.
IT Security
Never use company passwords in other places. Always use authorised NIRAS IT-systems for project data. Think before you click!
To be completed within the first two weeks
It is compulsory for all new employees to participate in and complete NIRAS’ online Anti-Corruption course, GDPR course and IT security course. Your onboarding will guide you to read rules and guidelines concerning the above topics.