NIRAS travel registration

Reporting travel plan abroad

For insurance purposes and Duty of Care, it is important that NIRAS has a central registration of all foreign travel, before departure.

How to send a booking to Falck Global Assistance

Some travel agencies are not compatible with Falck Global Assistance or there has not been established an API-feed. In these cases, it is necessary that the traveller or the person responsible for booking the tickets forward the booking to Falck Global Assistance. This can be done easily following the below steps:

Step 1: Book the trip

Step 2: Receive the confirmation

Step 3: Forward the confirmation to Falck Global Assistance:

For travellers:

For travel agencies or when you book for someone else:

Note that it is essential that the TMC sets the above email as CC when sending the booking to the end user and that the end user’s email is the only one in the “to”-field.

Step 4 (for the traveller): Download the Safeture Pro app to your phone following the instructions (see next page)

Please note that it is only the forwarded booking confirmation that works either when it is directly in the email or attached as a PDF, a plane email with trip information cannot be read by our parsing engine. The email should be in English letters – symbols and other alphabets cannot be read by the system.

See example below:

NIRAS travel registation

Instructions for downloading Safeture Pro

1. Download the App by opening the link on your phone or searching ‘Safeture Pro’ on your phone’s App Store/Google Play etc.

2. When starting the App you will need to read and accept the ‘Terms and Conditions’

3. Go to ‘Create New Account’ → ‘Sign up’ and enter your name, email and choose a password

4. After signing up enter Niras subscription-ID: 47795434

5. Enter your name and other required details.

6. Register your number via SMS when asked by the App. Use ‘SMS Registration’ if Possible. If SMS registration fails, please use the option to register your number manually