
Training Peru's next generation of energy efficiency advisors for the manufacturing sector

3 GIZ Miguel Zamalloa Agroindustrial GIZ DKTI BB (Lower Res)

The "Energy Efficiency Advisor for Manufacturing SMEs" Programme marks a significant step forward in promoting sustainable business practices in Peru. GIZ - Miguel Zamalloa - Agroindustrial

As part of Peru and Germany’s latest joint efforts on building a greener future, a technical training programme has been launched to foster sustainable production practices, improve competitiveness and combat climate change.

November 3, 2023

Over the past decade, Peru's economy has experienced rapid growth. In Peru, cities host 80% of the manufacturing industry, which is comprised almost completely of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) that mostly operate using linear production methods and business models. These MSMEs account for 66% of the Latin American nation’s total industrial energy consumption, leading to significant greenhouse gas emissions. Irregardless of their environmental impact, Peruvian MSMEs often face limited access to markets, technologies, financing, human capital, and connections with other businesses, which negatively impacts their productivity and growth potential.

In this context, energy efficiency represents an opportunity for enhancing productivity within these companies. It enables them to produce the same quantity of high-quality products and services while consuming less energy. By being more energy efficient and reducing energy consumption, MSMEs can reduce both costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

The “Climate Friendly Business Models – DKTI BB” project comprises three components, which NIRAS in cooperation with AMBERO is responsible for delivering:

  1. Qualifying service providers to offer MSMEs tailored advice on how to increase their energy efficiency.
  2. Supporting MSMEs in selected economic sectors to implement viable, energy efficiency measures.
  3. Optimising public and private incentives for MSMEs in the manufacturing sector to convert their business models to climate-friendly alternatives.

Strengthening Peru's sustainable business practices 

German International Cooperation for Development has been supporting Peru’s efforts to achieve a greener future and – through projects implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH – works closely with Peru’s Ministry of Production (Ministerio de la Producción – PRODUCE) on a variety of initiatives.

One such initiative is to improve the conditions for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to implement the development of more climate-friendly business models in the area of energy efficiency in industry. 

Together with our partner AMBERO Consulting, NIRAS has been assigned to deliver services that improve the qualification and knowledge offers of energy service providers and advise on more sustainable production practices in SMEs to improve their competitiveness.

In addition, the project team is also looking to build on related existing incentive schemes that PRODUCE offers, some of which are the result of other GIZ projects (see related content at the end of the article). 

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Authorities from ITP, the German embassy in Peru, GIZ, AHK and PUCP together with enrolled students of the programme

Practical training to ensure greater sustainability of manufacturing

A milestone in the project was reached in September this year when a training-of-trainers (ToT) for an “Energy Efficiency Advisor for Manufacturing SMEs” programme was announced in collaboration with the Instituto Tecnológico del Peru (ITP) at the Campus of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

Opening the launch event, Rafael Aguilar, Head of the Academic Department of Engineering at the university, applauded the ToT, which targets energy efficiency instructors from technical institutes and universities across four Peruvian cities alongside technical staff from Centres for Productive Innovation and Technology Transfer (CITEs).

The Peruvian-German Chamber of Commerce has certified the ToT to ensure it meets global standards and enjoys international recognition. 

After completing and passing the ToT, all participating educational institutions will be able to offer the programme, allowing for more specialists with first-hand knowledge of the needs and challenges faced specifically by manufacturing SMEs.

The course will make energy efficiency practices more accessible to Peruvian MSMEs, helping entrepreneurs save costs, reduce energy usage and mitigate GHG emissions related to energy use. Speaking at the launch of the ToT, Julio Cuisano, a distinguished faculty member at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, touted the programme as an essential tool for promoting energy efficiency within Peru's manufacturing SMEs.

Rosalía Uzátegui, Director of Strategy, Development, and Strengthening at ITP's CITE network, emphasised the project's significance in bolstering Peru's SME sector and its commitment to sustainability while Florian Theus, Head of German Development Cooperation in Peru, expressed his unwavering support for this endeavour, emphasising the strong partnership between Peru and Germany in promoting climate-friendly business practices.

A Center for Productive Innovation and Technology Transfer (CITE) promotes innovation and promote the use of new technologies among producers, companies, associations, and cooperatives. All CITEs are attached to the Technological Institute of Production and constitute the executing arm of the ITP in promoting technological innovation, promoting applied research, specialisation, technological transfer, and the dissemination of technological knowledge in each productive chain.

Verónica Alvarado, long-term technical advisor on Education and Training moderating the Launch Ceremony

The ToT underscores the collaborative efforts of academic and governmental institutions in combating climate change and enhancing the competitiveness of the nation's SMEs. Beyond training trainers, this programme is a first step on the road to disseminating knowledge and solutions to the very companies that form the backbone of Peru's productive landscape, contributing to both economic prosperity and environmental well-being in the long run.

Cinthya Schweizer

Cinthya Schweizer

Project/Tender Manager

Stuttgart, Germany
