
With support from NIRAS, Kenya’s TVET Authority successfully launches its strategic plan

Kenya's TVET Authority's Strategic Plan

The strategic plan was announced at a conference in Nairobi.

In mid-April, Kenya’s new five-year plan for the country's technical vocational education training (TVET) sector was launched. NIRAS played a supportive role through six months of interviews and planning.

May 4, 2018

NIRAS provided support to the Kenyan Technical and Vocational Education Training Authority (TVETA), a state corporation mandated to regulate and coordinate the TVET sector through accreditation of institutions, programmes and trainers. TVETA also assesses quality, equity and relevance in Kenya’s education and training sector.

The 6-month assignment was to develop a Strategic Plan  aligned to both the dynamic operating environment and the strategic priorities of the Government as outlined in the Kenyan Vision 2030, the Constitution, and other relevant regional and international policy documents.

NIRAS was tasked with holding consultative meetings with different stakeholders across the country to understand the underlying situation of Kenya’s TVET sector as well as designing the institution’s support mechanism and strategic direction for the next five years. NIRAS provided two key experts who worked together with TVETA and the Ministry of Education Science and Technology to revise the authority’s five year strategic plan.

Six key tasks

The assignment involved the following key activities:

  • realignment of the Authority’s vision, mission and value system to better serve its clients;
  • a situation analysis of the organization’s performance and assessment of gaps using SWOT, PESTEL and stakeholder analyses;
  • identification of key result areas and development of strategic focus areas; 
  • development of a resource mobilization strategy; 
  • creation of an implementation matrix for the strategic plan; and
  • introduction of monitoring and evaluation plan for implementation of the strategic plan.

The project’s target beneficiaries are TVETA’s staff and clients, TVET training institutions, the youth of Kenya as well as the general public.

Kenya's technical and vocational education and training (TVET) strategic plan runs from 2018 to 2022 and presents a renewed foundation for the TVET Authority to carry out its mandate and functions to achieve a modern market-responsive TVET system for Kenya.