BoP Inc. is a global thought-leader supporting multinationals, SMEs and start-ups in creating and scaling inclusive business models for and with people living less than US$8/day as aspiring consumers and creative entrepreneurs.
Teams from three SAIS Innovation Fund supported projects – Living Permaculture, International Development Innovation Network (IDIN)-SADC consortium, and Precision Desert Agriculture – attended the workshop in Windhoek, Namibia, to explore validation of concepts and prototypes for BoP markets.
Understanding inclusive innovation
Inclusive Innovation is the entrepreneurial development of something new, with impact together with and for low-income markets that have been excluded from the development mainstream. As Gerwin Jansen from BoP Inc. explains, “it can occur on multiple levels but always together with low-income groups. Inclusivity can mean BoP as consumers with aspirations for life, as hard-working producers, or as employees and micro-entrepreneurs.”
Following a look at examples of inclusive innovations – be they products such as small biogas-powered milk cooling units, services like P2P sharing platform for tractors, or business models (e.g., PAYGO for solar home systems) – Gerwin and his co-facilitator Yvonne Achieng led the group in a discussion of the characteristics of inclusive innovators versus traditional entrepreneurs.