
Celebrating a milestone: 26 energy audits conducted across four regions in Peru

GIZ Miguel Zamalloa Curtiembre Compress

@GIZ Miguel Zamalloa

A German-funded initiative to boost climate-friendly business models that foster growth while tackling climate change forges ahead

April 5, 2024

Introducing greater energy efficiency into manufacturing processes can make them more sustainable and create significant positive impact especially among small businesses. When these businesses are responsible for a very significant share of their nation’s total industrial energy consumption – as is the case in Peru – the effect on greenhouse gas emissions is compelling.

The project "Promotion of qualification and business models in times of climate change (DKTI-BB)" aims to enhance the conditions for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to adopt formal, climate-friendly business models, particularly energy efficient solutions, within the country’s industrial sector. Earlier this year, the project team notched up 26 energy audits in pursuit of more sustainable, green production practices and improved competitiveness.

"Our project creates enabling conditions to reduce GHG emissions. We support the development of business models for energy-efficient services and products aimed at MSMEs, train service providers in business management, and raise awareness of the positive impacts of energy efficiency. We believe that energy efficiency is an effective way for MSMEs to develop and reduce GHG emissions."

Antonio Meza, Technical Advisor on EE, who participated in the energy audit campaign.

In line with contemporary trends favouring energy efficiency and the use of low-carbon fuels, Peruvian MSMEs are encountering new imperatives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving energy. Within the framework of fostering climate-friendly business models, the DKTI-BB project seeks to pinpoint technological advancements and innovative technologies that could be accessible to MSMEs.

A strategic alliance has been established among German international cooperation for development, the Peruvian Ministry of Production (PRODUCE), and the Technological Institute of Production with the objective of enhancing efficiency, diminishing environmental footprints, and catalysing avenues for enhancement in Peruvian industries. Leveraging the expert consultancy services of AMBERO Consulting and NIRAS, the project is targeting MSMEs across various economic sectors to implement energy-efficient measures.

“Understanding the business of MSMEs and their current and future challenges is crucial when defining the approach, tools, and incentives that we can develop and implement from the project’s perspective to support these businesses to n incorporate energy-efficient practices into their operations. In other words, the key here is to intervene or complement the business model of the company in such a way that not only environmentally friendly policies and practices are adopted in response to their stance on climate change, but also because it makes sense for their profitability and business growth,” says Rolf Sielfeld, Leader of the consulting team.

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The project “Climate Friendly Business Models – DKTI BB” is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The project comprises three components, which NIRAS in cooperation with AMBERO is responsible for delivering, on behalf of the German international cooperation for development:

  • Qualifying service providers to offer MSMEs tailored advice on how to increase their energy efficiency.
  • Supporting MSMEs in selected economic sectors to implement viable, energy efficiency measures.
  • Optimising public and private incentives for MSMEs in the manufacturing sector to convert their business models to climate-friendly alternatives.

Energy efficiency under the microscope

From May to October last year, NIRAS and AMBERO's technical team, on behalf of the German international cooperation for development, implemented by GIZ, conducted energy audits in 19 MSMEs and 7 CITEs (Technological Innovation Centers) across Peru. These audits were intricately designed to assess electricity usage efficiency, pinpoint pathways for cost reduction, ensure energy sustainability, and optimise resource utilisation.

The audit process entailed a meticulous approach, involving an in-depth analysis of historical consumption data, on-site facility inspections to comprehend production processes, and the deployment of network analysers to monitor electrical activity. The amassed data empowered the teams to evaluate tariff contract options, mitigate operating costs, and refine energy supply, culminating in proposals to promote energy efficiency and mitigate CO2 emissions.

Across diverse sectors including wood, textiles, and food processing, the audits underscored several recurring energy efficiency measures (EEMs) for adoption. These encompassed strategies such as equipment hibernation, maximum power control, system upgrades, the introduction of solar photovoltaic systems, electrical panel maintenance, and workforce training initiatives.

Looking ahead, the project is looking at additional energy-saving initiatives such as reactive power compensation, the replacement of lighting fixtures, and the implementation of energy monitoring systems.

Through targeted interventions and strategic collaborations, the project lays the groundwork for a more environmentally sustainable and resilient future for Peruvian businesses and communities alike.

Cinthya Schweizer

Cinthya Schweizer

Project Manager Energy & Climate Change

Stuttgart, Germany
