
Myanmar kicks off major infrastructure project in support of the farming sector

Agriculture Income Improvement Project, Myanmar

Canals and waterways like this one will be improved around the region, greatly increasing irrigation capacity by adding to drainage options.

Earlier this month, the Agriculture Income Improvement Project was launched with the goal of irrigating hundreds of thousands of acres of land year-round and strengthening the ability of farmers in the region to support themselves.

June 12, 2019

With funding from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Agricultural Income Improvement Project (AIIP) represents a major investment by the Government of Myanmar. Coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, AIIP will improve infrastructure, train a new skilled workforce, and contribute to greater mechanisation in the sector.

493,000 acres of farmland will be irrigated year-round

A consortium led by Nippon Koei and including NIRAS aims to revamp the irrigation-related infrastructure to such an extent that nearly half a million acres of farmland will be irrigated, becoming productive year-round and significantly increasing the incomes of farmers in the Sagaing region.

Crops field
Year-round irrigation will allow farmers to increase their income significantly as productivity will no longer be limited to the natural growing season.

In addition, hundreds of kilometres of roads and 42 bridges will be repaired, improved, or constructed, providing a more stable infrastructural backbone to the rural region, facilitating access to markets, and connecting remote areas to the country’s cities.

+67,000 farming households are to be impacted by the programme

Beyond infrastructure improvements, AIIP will strengthen the capacity of both the workforce and agricultural service providers. Several extension centres will be established and staffed to train local community members in agricultural techniques and technology. Workshops will also be built to provide maintenance to agricultural machinery and train farmers in its use, further increasing incomes and improving yields.

Crops to market
A key part of the project is the improvement of rural roads and other infrastructure to help farmers bring their crops to market.