Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) Expert (National)

Business area:
Development Consulting

Tanzania, East Africa

Qualifications required:
• Minimum bachelor degree in gender studies, sociology or relevant field; • Experience in field to incorporate GEDSI as a cross-cutting objective in development programmes; • Knowledge on natural resource management and local governance; • Fluency in written and spoken English and Swahili.

Professional experience required:
• Minimum 10 years of relevant work experience; • Experience of working with rural communities in issues related to natural resource management, gender equality and social inclusion including persons with disabilities • Training and facilitation skills; • Demonstrated experience designing, implementing, managing, and evaluating behaviour change interventions; • Demonstrated experience using theory and evidence to design, monitor, and evaluate behaviour change interventions and action related to discriminative social norms; • Excellent social skills, ability to work and communicate in communities of diverse cultures; • Experience in cooperation with development partners; • Experience in HRBA and social development related issues; • Good communication and report writing skills in English and Swahili.

Position length:

Position length:
30 months with duty station in Mafinga


Thursday, April 3, 2025

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Forestry, Land Use, and Value Chain Development in Tanzania (FORLAND) is a four-year bilateral project between the governments of Finland and Tanzania (2025-2029). The Project area includes the Iringa, Njombe, Ruvuma, and Lindi regions, which are rich in natural and plantation forest resources. The main headquarters is at Forest and Wood Industries Training Centre (FWITC) in Mafinga. FORLAND helps small woodlot owners establish and manage tree plantations, as well as rural communities manage their Miombo Village Land Forest Reserves using Community Based Forest Management. The project also strengthens the value chain, assisting communities, tree producers, and micro, small, and medium enterprises in adding value to their goods. It builds on the success of the Participatory Plantation Forestry Programme (PFP 2) and Forest and Value Chain Development Programme (FORVAC) to ensure the long-term viability of the achievements and institutions supported. It also closely aligns with the development strategies and priorities of the Finnish and Tanzanian governments, helping to alleviate poverty, create jobs, and strengthen climate resilience. The FORLAND project is recruiting a Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) Expert who will be responsible for the following duties: • Reviews GEDSI related policies, strategies and conventions of GoT and GoF; • Reviews and update the GEDSI and HRBA policy of the Project; • Develops GEDSI implementation strategy and monitoring plan for project interventions; • Develops training packages for HRBA and GEDSI and integrates GEDSI as a cross-cutting objective to other training events; • Preparation of community-level training modules linked to natural resource management for local government officers, as well as training sector partners who are responsible to carry out these trainings; • Trains project staff, district staff, stakeholders, and relevant committees and beneficiaries; • Identifies and supports campaigns to promote gender equality and non-discrimination at village level; • Implements and monitors the progress based on the GEDSI and HRBA indicators; • Undertakes reviews of the progress on HRBA and GEDSI interventions; • Works in close coordination with FWITC, PO-RALG at Region and District levels, , and other relevant agencies • Supports the monitoring system to improve and maintain disaggregated data; • Supports project management to include GEDSI in all project reports; • Development, coordination and monitoring of GEDSI related programmes/activities; • Building of behaviour change capacity in municipalities; • Other duties as assigned by Chief Technical Adviser