Volunteering the NIRAS way

It's important to NIRAS in the UK, that our people feel that they are making a difference in the world; not just in their work but in their personal life too.
Which is why anyone who works for us is enabled to pursue causes that they feel make their communities better places to live. It may not be in their field of expertise but is always something close to their heart.
The NIRAS volunteering programme was created to demonstrate NIRAS’ commitment to social, ecological and economic development. The programme gifts all employees two extra days of paid annual leave to volunteer for causes of their choice in their local area. Check out some of the things our UK Marine Environment team have been involved with as part of this programme.
Terita Deare (Consultant Ornithologist) seen below volunteered with the Forth Seabird Group in Scotland for seabird nesting surveys on the Forth Islands.
Paul Watts (Associate Director - Ornithology) was part of an organised group undertaking scrub clearance at Bicester MOD, where he has been a volunteer bird surveyor and ringer for over 15 years.
Matthew Hazleton (Principal Ornithologist) was part of a larger survey team that undertook four early morning Breeding Bird Surveys at his local nature reserve for the local Wildlife Trust.
Josie Williams (Consultant – Marine Environment) spent her volunteering days taking her Scout group to the Edinburgh North East District scout camp.
Sally Coles (Business Support Manager) volunteered at her local Trussell Trust foodbank to help prepare food parcels.